
In order to use Princess you can either download the package from Github or check out the repository and build it yourself.

Currentl llvm-13 is required for the compiler to run. It is expected to find the compiler on the path, so you need to hook it up like that. It tries to call clang so make sure that clang is supplied via the path.

There is currently no build for the VSCode extension available as it is in very early stages of development. If you want to use it, you can checkout the repo and use vsce package to create a .vsix package which you can install in your VSCode environment. Currently there is no support for other editors, but you may adapt the .tmlanguage file you find inside of the VSCode extension, if your editor supports it.

The princess compiler itself supports the Language Server Protocol, so you might be able to adapt it for other editors as well.

The command line arguments are as follows:


Print the AST of the program as JSON


Print the parsed tokens as JSON


Print the typechecked AST as JSON


Continue compiling if any of the previous settings are applied


Add directory to the include search path


Add a globally available define like -DTest


Add search directory for linked libraries


Load library


Pass flags directly to the linker


Pass flag directly to clang


Specify an output directory to put temporary files in (defaults to .princess)


Specifies an output file


Compiles debug information


Inserts symbol information (for stack traces)


Print a dependency graph and abort compilation


Print the version of the compiler


Print additional verbose output


Print a progress bar


Start the language server


Compile without incremental support


Set the name for the main file (if not main)


Compile without the standard library

This information can also be printed with the --help flag.

In order to compile a file, simply pass it as an argument to princess, with any additional arguments supplied.


Do note that the default mode of the compiler is incremental compilation. This could speed up compilation significantly for big projects. As of right now the incremental compilation is basically unusable. If the compiler segfaults, try compiling with --no-incremental first before submitting a bug report.