Princess: Coding like royalty


Do note that this language is in the early alpha stages. Not everything mentioned in this documentation is already implemented. The syntax might change at any point, proceed with caution!

Do note that this documentation will not explain what an if statement or a for loop is, some basic knowledge on programming is expected.

The standard library in Princess is essentially implemented in such a way that it was possible to write the compiler in it. If you want to contribute by adding more useful functions please go ahead and do so!


  • Familar and logical syntax

  • Statically typed with structural typing

  • Run any code at compile time

  • Support for automatic memory management with references

  • Copy constructors and destructors

  • Operator overloading

  • Polymorphic functions and types

  • Uniform function call syntax

  • Cleanup using defer

  • Implicit converter functions

  • Full runtime and compile time reflection

  • FFI and interop with C, Access to the C standard library

  • Debug symbols with GDB

  • LLVM as Backend

  • Incremental compilation (WIP)

  • VSCode extension with autocompletion (WIP)

let i = 7

def mod(a: int, base: int) -> int {
   return ((a % base) + base) % base

// Uniform call syntax
assert i.mod(3) == 1

import strings
type Person = struct {
   name: Str
   age: uint

// Define to_string to be able to print Person
export def to_string(person: &Person) -> String {
   return + ": " + person.age

let person = [ name = "Bob", age = 42 ] !Person
print(person, "\n")

// Compile time parameter type T
def my_size_of(type T) -> size_t {
   // Full reflection support
   return T.size

assert my_size_of(Person) == 32
